


威彻斯特走读学校, 现代东正教, 男女合校, dual curriculum Jewish day school, prepares students to live as 受尊敬的人 and lifelong learners and inspires them to impact the world around them by cultivating a commitment to Torah, midot, community and academic rigor.
……………… Menschliness before Godliness (希伯来书9:3) 永…永…永…永)
First and foremost, a WDS student is a 受尊敬的人. Our students conduct themselves with dignity and respect for themselves and others. They have a strong sense of right and wrong and are guided to be ethical in their lives.
In addition, WDS students:
成为终生的, independent learners who grow from inquiry, 发现, and reflective trial and error. They are problem-solvers who are flexible and adapt to new situations. 

love God and find spirituality, fulfillment and joy in Jewish ritual, Torah-learning, and living a life of 一下. They understand that they are a link in a chain of tradition that has flourished for thousands of years.

עבדו את ה בשמחה (תהילים ק:ב)
敬拜上帝 在快乐 

identify and respond to the needs of others with sympathy and empathy. They proactively lead by example with a keen sense of justice and obligation.

appreciate and interact with the physical and intellectual world. They use their curiosity and pursuit of knowledge to develop a deep understanding of both secular and Jewish learning and the interplay between them. 

מה רבו מעשך ה (תהילים ק"ד:כ"ד)
are devoted to the State of Israel as key to the life of the Jewish people, and to Hebrew as our national spoken language and that of our foundational, 神圣的文本. They are also proud, grateful and contributing citizens of the United States of America.

ליבי במזרח ואנוכי בסוף מערב
My heart is in the East though 
(Yehudah Halevi)
exhibit humility and understand the unique value of every individual. 他们有信心, understand their strengths and challenges, and take time to learn about and appreciate others. They work collaboratively to create, build and strengthen the community.
והצנע לכת עם אלקיך (מיכה ו:ח)
And walk humbly before God




威彻斯特走读学校 is 现代东正教, 男女合校, dual-curriculum, toddler to 8th grade Jewish school that inspires and educates our students in their own way to value 受尊敬的人lichkeit, 一下, 终身学习.